Monday, January 31, 2022

Dear Coach Shanahan: Easy Fix...

Dear Coach Shanahan,

Thank you for an incredible season. The  2021-2022 season is one I look back upon with gratitude and deep appreciation. I didn't need Jimmy G to remind us "we were 3-5 and people wrote us off and we kept fighting. I’ve got no regrets from this year." I completely agree. And yet, there is one thing, I want to ask of you as the head coach of a storied franchise and the leader of the Forty Niner faithful. Please take off your hat in post-game conferences.

Though it is a handsome lid, wearing a hat prevents the media and your fans from seeing you and hearing your message. It is hard to make eye contact with a person standing behind a flat bill. Win or lose, you have nothing from which to hide. To me, this gesture compromises your presence. I believe the head coach should always make a mark for the good, not the questionable.

Before the NFC Championship match up, I was able to play golf. My foursome included my friend, another woman and her 73 year-old father-in-law. Based on the game, I left after 14 holes but not before I fist bumped and thanked my playing partners, only to see the lone gentleman in our group, take his cap off and bid adieu. I absolutely love this gesture in golf. Taking off one's hat to acknowledge another isn't difficult. It takes but a moment. It is a wonderful sign of respect and a positive, personal discipline. 

Conversely, I believe people who do not remove their hats in certain places and spaces, ought to be reminded to do so. On a regular basis I remind my students to remove their hoodie, beanie or hat from their head when we are inside the classroom. About 90% of the time, this cue is non-verbal. I have never been met with an unwilling student; they understand.

much better. 

This Christmas, I noticed a 14 year old boy was wearing a baseball cap throughout Mass. Though I was glad he came (and if you are judging me for judging, so be it). I wish his parents, the usher or even an elder in the community had reminded this young man that when Catholic Christians stand in a sacred place. we remove our caps. To be honest, I wish he had known and thought to do so.

Coach, as a positive role model and a well respected leader, I simply ask that you model what we ask of others—especially young people. Perhaps you see things differently. If so, I would like to learn more.

Thank you for all you have done for what has been an exceptional team and season. I tip my cap to you and look forward to all that is to come, especially in future press conferences.

Respectfully submitted,

Anne Stricherz
San Francisco resident, fan and daughter of the biggest Niner fan around

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

What Type of Sports Fan Are You?

Barry Bonds. Lance Armstrong. Tiger Woods. Aaron Rodgers.

Dustin Johnson. Tom Brady. Alex Rodriguez. Aaron Rodgers.

Michael Vick. Pete Rose. Justin Turner. O.J. Simpson. Aaron Rodgers.

The San Francisco 49ers 13-10 defeat of the Green Bay Packers united Twitter for the first time in it's (near) 15-year life span. How? Why? Because as the Niners who head to the NFC championship game in Los Angeles, kept the Pack and its leader—Aaron Rodgers— home. 

After the 38-year old quarterback made "comments that some people feel are misleading" (how own words) about his vaccination status, millions of football fans turned on the likely 2021 MVP. Others have long despised Rodgers. According to PTI cohost Tony Kornheiser, many fans are "sick of his need for attention. They're sick of the fact he always makes it about him and he blames Green Bay Packers management for everything that went wrong." While one Super Bowl to his name lessens his credibility on the all-time great list, whether you like him or not is irrelevant. Rodgers is an incredible quarterback and future Hall of Fame inductee.

My profession of faith in his athletic ability has already sent some people's blood pressure sky high. Sorry. Not sorry. His numbers—during the regular season—speak for themselves. And yet, I have come to realize just how many camps there are among us sports fans. Therefore, it's time I ask: Where do you stand?

1. Athletes, not activists
In the day that followed the that Rodgers was not immunized against COVID....nor vaccinated, the former Cal Bear said "I am an athlete, not an activist."

Many fans enjoy sports for the purpose of entertainment. The notion of an athlete using his or her platform to invoke social change is not necessary. Let athletes be athletes. 

2. An Athlete's personal is life is personal.
Many people can separate what an athlete does on the field from what they do off of it. The words "it's none of your business" though seldom heard today, is the modus operandi.

Gambling, womanizing, domestic violence, drug and alcohol usage, promiscuity, and a host of other moral issues are their own doings. In the words of Pope Francis "Who am I to judge?" Oh wait, let's not take that out of context once again....Whether they donate 90% of their salary to a needy cause, spend the off season doing service work and/or love their spouse is irrelevant. (but is it??!) These sports fans find heroism in the feats on the field, not what happens off of it—for better or for worse.

3. Just Win, Baby!
This might be a hybrid of #1 and #2. There are those sports fans—to call them primal, might not be far off—who want an athlete to do whatever it takes to win. These gamesmen and gameswomen, I mean fans, expect that a number of personal fouls ought to occur without the penalty. For an athlete to compromise their long term physical and mental health in the name of winning, can be justified. And so can Bountygate. 

4. Lines and Sand
Athletes are people too, right? Like the rest of us, many athletes make good choices and not so good ones. While the ones I make are most likely not promulgated for social media to share, when an athletes does, we read, tweet, and blog about it. 

I know a number of people who get behind certain athletes who others deem controversial. Inevitably, they will excuse their player's behavior/choices by way of compare and contrast. "At least she did not do x." Or "I was okay with y, but then z made that difficult."

The line in the proverbial sand always makes this conversation interesting.

5. Passion Play
I know a number of sports fans who cannot separate the personal and the professional. These fans cannot and will not cheer for an athlete because of past transgressions, political stances or personal beliefs. Said fans cannot cheer in good faith for an athlete who has crossed much more than a line in the sand. Their public platform can unite or divide fans. Indeed, passion is part of professional play.

Benjamin Franklin said "If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." I do not try to persuade passionate fans to consider otherwise. However, a few good reins never hurt anyone.

6. I'm Only Human
I will put my cards on the table: I see athletes as...human beings. They are heroic, inspiring, and they are flawed, even mysterious. I appreciate that many athletes use their voice, and stand behind their causes, follow their passions and formulate their foundations. Go for it.

But I always remind myself—whether I cheer and jeer for a person—I don't really know them. I look for passion in how they play, I seek the beauty they bring to the game. I want an athlete to be who they really are. The world doesn't need another Simone Biles or Michael Jordan. We need each man or woman as him or herself. 

I have forgiven athletes for mistakes they have made and held grudges against others. I am a human being too. I appreciate their passion and I seek those reins (the investigation behind Justin Turner on the field after the 2020 World Series was fascinating to me). I am only too glad that sports provides a platform for me to consider, question, discuss and debate so much more than what a scoreboard reveals.

And as for Aaron Rodgers. What does the future hold? Start asking his fans.... or not!

Photo Credits
Rodgers departure: @knbrmurph

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Notre Dame Magazine: Winter 2020-2021 Sports and Spirituality Review: Going Back in Time

When I reached for the Winter 2020-2021 issue of Notre Dame Magazine, I wasn't sure if I read all of  it. I never throw out—err, recycle—this alumni publication until I have completed my Sports and Spirituality review. Part of me thought I held onto it because the back cover features "Amy Coney Barrett '97 JC, associate justice of the United States Supreme Court (See the story on page 46)." I love that the photo of this woman I respect and admire features her in the classroom, teaching. In the background is a crucifix and a student taking notes? fact checking the lecture?!? I took a quick look though the publication only to see that I had not given my review and though it is one year later, still worth doing. Why? I want to point the way to the following pieces rich in both sport and spirituality. Enjoy!

A Most Unusual Semester.
I don't know about you, but I have a hard time reading articles about living through COVID. Is it because while some things have changed, others have not? Are we not still too close to it? 

Margaret Fosmoe '85, captures how the pandemic affected the 2020 football season "as a temporary member of the Atlantic Coast Conference.  Attendance at games was limited to no more than 20% of stadium capacity which amounted to about 15, 525 fans per game—students, faculty and staff." 

Many will remember the highlight of the 2020 home season, played before a mostly student crowd of 11,011. When the Irish won the game 47-40 in double overtime, thousands rushed the field, a celebration broadcast live on national television. What others might not remember is that students with tickets to the game were required to take COVID-19 tests, and those who didn't show up for testing had their tickets canceled." 

Ah COVID, we aren't done with you yet, are we? The title of this article can be used yet again.

Becoming a Notre Dame Man
I never heard the term "Notre Dame man" or "Notre Dame woman" as an undergraduate. However, I remember the first time I heard it. In a speech to the alumni club of the San Francisco Bay Area, Frank Allocco shared how he became a Notre Dame man and referred to some of his mentors, teammates and coaches who embodied what it means.

In this short excerpt from "Telling Stories that Matter: Memoirs and Essays" by Father Marvin O'Connell, a long time professor and chair of the University's history department, I learned Notre Dame does not have a fight song—it's a "Victory March."  I now know that Paul Hourning was the only member of a losing team to win a Heisman Trophy and that "the boldness of cheering for our players when they had no chance to win, and its effect on them proved to be" more than a rite of passage. It's what it means to be a Notre Dame man... 

May I Have Your Attention, Please?
This tribute is in loving memory of Tim McCarthy, Indiana State Police safety education sergeant, who delivered safety messages laced with one-liners at Notre Dame football games for 55 years. He died October 1, 2020 at age 89. 

As written by Kristy Katzmann '00, "One of his new responsibilities was to make an announcement at Notre Dame home football games reminding people to drive safely on the way home, but after two games he knew people weren’t paying attention. He decided to change that by adding something to the message"

The result? Notre Dame Stadium fell silent in eager anticipation during the fourth quarter for a reminder to drive carefully and 
courteously on the way home, punctuated by an often groan-inducing play on words. This article includes his Top 10 favorite. Mine is 
    7. No one relishes a pickled driver.

Traditions big and small, like what Officer McCarthy shared inside of Notre Dame stadium are but one example of what makes game day so special.

LepreConal: First native Irishman dons the mascot's green suit.
Pregame festivities for the Fiesta Bowl included Mass at the Biltmore Hotel and a reception right after. I walked in to this event only to see the ND mascot, also known as "LepreConal." Thanks to this article, introduced myself to Conal Fagan as only a fangirl can...and does. 

The native of Derry, Ireland is known for "fun, crazy energy." He said "I would always start the cheers before the cheerleaders, and they got really annoyed at me." Irish and energetic, athletic and aware—job description: filled!

The Education of Amy Coney Barrett
I loved learning about what the title of this article suggests: Coney Barrett's education. I delight in knowing that she too, has gained important life lessons from sports.

John Nagy '00 recalled this insight. Thanks athletics!

When she was 10 years old, the oldest child in a growing Catholic family in the New Orleans suburb of Metairie, Louisiana, Amy Coney competed in her first track meet.

She lost her event. Seeing her disappointment, an uncle consoled her. “Honey,” he said, “do you know how many times you looked to see where the other runners were? Every time you look to the right or the left, you lose a half-step. Next time, look straight ahead and run your best.”

She told this story 34 years later to students who voted her professor of the year. That afternoon in May 2016, Professor Barrett’s theme wasn’t winning but the danger of comparison. She quoted Teddy Roosevelt: “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Then she shared her uncle’s kindly advice that’s helped her keep perspective along life’s way. It was characteristic of Barrett, regarded by colleagues and students as an exemplary mentor, to use a parting moment to counsel bright young minds on what makes for happiness as they enter a notoriously unhappy profession.

ACB was #13 on my 20 people, places, events and episodes that brought some joy to year that needed it: 202o. I hope to meet her and when I do, I will thank her for professing our shared beliefs.

The day I finished reading this 2020-2021 edition, the 2021-2022 arrived in the mail. Serendipity! My Seagrass Basket Zero remains a challenge...albeit a very good one.

Photo Credits
All are from ND Magazine except for 
Frank Allocco: Peacock documentary on Joe Montana

Friday, January 14, 2022

Friendships From Sports: Another Jewel of Life

The words of  Jessie Owens resonate with my life's story. The four-time 1936 Olympic champion said, "Friendships born on the field of athletic strife are the real gold of competition. Awards become corroded, friends gather no dust." 

I met two of my closest friends on the Carondelet High School tennis team. One was my favorite doubles partner and the other came back from a 7-0 deficit to beat me during freshman year tryouts, 9-7 in the 8-game pro-set. I haven't played tennis with or against either of these women in over 25 years, and yet their friendship means more to me than ever.

I continue to make friends—new ones, good ones, even wild ones through sports. The game of golf has introduced me to women and men, young and old from a variety of backgrounds, careers and much more. Truly, my life is so much richer because of the time we spend together playing what is much more than "just a game."  Indeed, through the shared pursuit of something challenging, competitive. and fun that those relationships are strengthened and sustained. Sport really is the gift that keeps on giving.

I love the fact professional sports celebrates the friendships that are born from being teammates. For example, the long waited return of Klay Thompson (941 days to be exact) wasn't the only story that caught the media's attention. Prior to tip-off, this Splash Brother was greeted with a hug by his little league teammate, Kevin Love. As written on SFGate

The intertwining paths of Klay Thompson and Kevin Love trace back to a baseball field in a Portland, Ore., suburb.

Long before the NBA All-Stars faced each other on their current sport’s biggest stage, they shared a Little League team. Thompson was the speedy leadoff hitter, Love the hard-throwing pitcher. Even then, while playing a sport that won’t figure in their legacy, the preteens recognized in one another the potential for greatness.

But a few hours earlier, the highest profile position for the Rams was working to secure another victory for a Los Angeles team. Matt Stafford, the team's quarterback grew up with a man who knows what those expectations and that pressure feels like. The Dodgers long time ace, Clayton Kershaw has called Stafford a teammate and friend since they were six years old.

Stafford watches Kershaw pitch at Dodger Stadium. #support

In fact, as written in The Bleacher Report

They played on the same youth soccer, baseball, football and basketball teams together. They played freshmen football and two years of varsity baseball together and both graduated from Highland Park High School in 2006 after dominant final seasons. Kershaw compiled a 13-0 record with an ERA of 0.77. In a five-inning mercy-rule game, he struck out all 15 batters.

These two examples, on one of the more exciting sports Sundays, got me thinking about other friendships born from youth or high school sports. I know that many collegiate and professional athletes consider their teammates to be like friends and in some cases, like family. But what of those born from those formative years. 

Andy Roddick and Drew Brees both are long time friends and former teammates. As written by the 2003 US Open Champion:

“Yes Drew Brees beat me in tennis when I was 9 and he was 11. Twice,” Roddick wrote on Twitter back in 2014. “I finally beat him and he quit tennis. You’re welcome football.”

What other former teammates/friends come to mind?

Reflecting upon these types of connections, got me thinking. Can you name two women that became friends through sport? I could not.  The first example that came to mind was Venus and Serena Williams. I gave myself a half point of credit, as they siblings. However, I genuinely think the two sisters—born just 15 months apart—have an affection for one another that is akin to the best of friends. Please share names of female athletes if you know any. They ought to be publicized too!

And while we are at it—what about male and female friendships. I knew that Jerian Grant and Jewell Lloyd became friends at the University of Notre Dame thanks to shared space. In the time between the men's and women's practices, the two would shoot around and engage in a friendly, yet competitive game of H.O.R.S.E.  All-Americans, Player of the year candidates, and now...friends. Go IRISH.

I believe every person should have a number of quotes, prayers and mottos memorized by heart. One of mine is by the late author and activist, Elie Wiesel. He wrote "friends are the jewel of life." Thank you sports, for bringing many jewels, many colors, shapes and sizes. Shine brightly.

Photo Credits
Drew and Andy
Venus and Serena
Klay and Love
Matt Stafford

Monday, January 10, 2022

The Open Letter: Thank you Alec Ingold of the Las Vegas Raiders

The open letter. Have you ever written one? Have you wanted to but thought otherwise? In 23 years of teaching, I can recall but one addressed to the school community where I have taught. This student’s message was hard to read; it was both challenging and inspiring. The author, however, did not use his real name. Did writing behind a pseudonym compromise the integrity of an open letter? Let’s discuss.

I believe students and faculty ought to sign their name when they complete the evaluation of a teacher or administrators. I challenge myself to live by this principle; it hasn’t always been easy. I understand why people are reluctant to evaluate a superior without anonymity. And yet, I think standing behind your word is critically important. An open letter allows for an individual to do just that...or at least it should!

Therefore when a friend sent An open letter to fans from Raiders captain Alec Ingold, I couldn't help but take a moment and pause. What was the injured fullback possibly going to say or rationalize. Fans know the drudgery, death and drama of the Silver and Black this year. This missive shared the team's response, reconciliation and rewards. The result? It was impossible not to cheer for his team: the Las Vegas Raiders.

Their 35-32 win over the Los Angeles Chargers in overtime might be one of the most exciting games I have ever watched. I didn't know a non-playoff game could be more exciting than the one I witnessed but a few hours earlier, when the San Francisco 49ers beat the Rams of Los Angeles 27-24, also in overtime.

Ingold's open letter prompted me as a coach to consider What would my team leadership write? What might their message be? I tried to imagine What would they want the Saint Francis community to know about their season? 

Coaches, here is an invitation to do the same. Encourage your athletes to put their names on evaluations both in class and at the end of the season. And, if given the chance, share the story of their own season in an Open Letter. 

Photo Credits
Ingold: From the Open Letter

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Aspiration: Inbox Zero Redux

The basket you see in this picture haunts me. It challenges me. It ought to contract, it usually expands. And yet it lives in my sacred space.

The basket as of January 2022

When asked to describe a sacred space, I named the desk in my room. It sits in the bay window of my San Francisco flat and overlooks Fillmore and Washington Streets, the heart of the Pacific Heights neighborhood. From time to magical time, I really do feel like a writer as I peck away on this keyboard from this little perch. I'm not proud of it, but Carrie Bradshaw comes to mind. I savor those moments...until I see that basket.

This Pottery Barn Seagrass basket houses all the articles and magazines I have yet to read or transcribe. I am pretty good about pitching what I know I will never read. That healthy habit is why this basket is a problem. It is full of what I need to file or frame for a future lesson, blog post or article. 

When it became semi-clear during COVID that no one was returning to the office anytime soon, I set a goal—an aspiration—of getting through this basket. For those of you familiar with in-box zero, this was the real world, incarnational variation. Over time, I made significant progress but this literary weed didn't quit. Thus, when the Christmas break and the new year afforded me the opportunity to return to this aspiration, I reached for a magazine very familiar to me: Notre Dame Magazine. 

This is the basket at the onset of COVID. I should have noted the progress I made...

The Winter 2020-2021 issue lived in the basket because I had not read it in the way that I do. I give a Sports and Spirituality review on this blog for each season of the alumni publication. I find this practice to be a wonderful way to guide my reading. I think we all have our own way of navigating a trusted journal. How do you proceed?

Thus, this post serves three purposes:

  1. Consider this question: How do you decide what you read? The answer to the question ought to help you read more. And, I hope it helps you discover something about yourself!
  2. It lays the foundation for my next post.
  3. Being that one of my aspirations for 2022 is to move toward Pottery Barn Seagrass Basket zero, I am about to unload 10 articles from it now. Here are links and insights for each.
I unloaded these articles from the basket, thanks to this post.
It also helped me lesson plan for this week!
This got me thinking: “...the emissions from food waste in the world is twice the amount generated by all the cars in the U.S. and Europe and that rescuing food lowers those emissions.”

Insult has been added to the injury. Wasting food is completely unnecessary. 

  • 2. Alumna Feature CHRISTINA CHENAULT '15 from the Carondeletter
My high school's alumni magazine profiled Chenault, Carondelet Cougar record holder in the triple jump, long long, 200m, 400m 4x100m and 4x400 relays. Can we say decorated?! This athlete and advocate "started a sports media platform, a creative: a creative outlet to share fellow athletes' stories, find internships for athletes, and increase her profile as an athlete and entrepreneur. This piece led me to look up Chenault, only to find an informative interview on NPR. Former NCAA Athlete Fights For College Players To Profit From Own Names
My cohost Haley and I run a loose script for each episode. In the basket lives the notes from September 19, Season Two, Episode 14—The 25th Week in Ordinary Time. 

The show's outline: The Flame—What's hot this week, Spiritual Stew and our take aways are printed as a reminder to post stories, images and more to our Twitter and Instagram feeds. It lives in the basket because I have yet to post.  Tackling social media is NOT for the weary! 
The editor of Irish Illustrated writes, "Rees' success on the gridiron was predicated upon factors beyond his physical abilities."  As a fellow coach, I loved reading what Rees looks for. No doubt those qualities extend once again to the football field, albeit in another role. Grateful for his leadership and commitment to the Irish. 
When Brian Kelly accepted the job at LSU, Irish fans wondered what coaches he would take with him. Special teams coach, Brian Polian, the author of this guidebook was one of them. Given what he writes about BK, I am not surprised.
Working for Brian Kelly is very rewarding for me personally. He has taught me a great deal. "BK" is a wonderful communicator, a natural leader, trusts his people to do their jobs, and treats the staff and their families with respect. He has also help me to re-emphasize the importance of building relationships as a coach.

When we returned to Notre Dame in 2017, the Irish were coming off an uncharacteristic for an eight season in 2016 and Coach Kelly was evaluating every facet of the program. Watching some of this take place in person was an incredible learning opportunity. He met with just about every player in the program and sought feedback on their experience. He had uncomfortable conversations with leadership and wanted to know what he could do better. Then he set in motion a plan to reset and refocus the culture of the program.

I wish the two of them good luck at LSU. 

  • 5. KEN VENTURI 1931--2013 The Stylish and Stalwart 1964 Open Champ turned TV voice was an icon of golf's greatest generation, by Michael Bamberger
I've wanted to write about Venturi because of his San Francisco roots, But this tribute by Bamberger provided another reason.

"In his San Francisco boyhood Venturi had a serious stammering problem and was drawn to golf because he could play it alone. He logged hundreds of rounds at Harding Park, a city course where his parents worked in the pro shop. He overcame his stammer with intense devotion to breathing exercises and other therapies. He loved the movie The King's Speech."

I had a beloved student who struggled tremendously with his stammer. He found music to be his outlet. Perhaps golf could have been another.
  • 6. Shining StarPioneer astronaut Sally Ride still inspires women to aim high by Kathy Zonana
Inspires and gives me pause for amazement is more like it. My jaw might have dropped when I read, "Ride's first achievements came in tennis. She was a nationally ranked junior player and reached the collegiate quarterfinals as a Swarthmore student before transferring to Stanford, where she played No. 1 singles. The tennis ace was "lighthearted," says teammate Anne Connelly Gould, who was part of a pack of summertime tennis teachers who would race to Ride's Escondido Village apartment at lunchtime to watch All My Children. "I think tennis was an outlet for her," says Gould, '72, MA '80. "Obviously, she was a very serious student."

Stanford is among the top ranked tennis teams in the country, then and now. What an outlet!
A long time fan of the Pizzookie, it's time I've made my own. In the tragic event you are unfamiliar with this sweet treat, here is what you need to know. "BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse, a popular chain in the U.S., created a gluttonous masterpiece called the pizookie. A pizookie is a pizza-cookie hybrid, topped with dripping scoops of ice cream. The dense cookie flavors include salted caramel, cookies 'n' cream, peanut butter s'mores and more. This culinary invention is not to be missed."

The recipe I will be using is from the Woman's Day: Back to Everything 2021 issue. No sports connection here. Am willing to make a case for a spiritual one, though! 
Let's discuss....
I start a new section of Sports and Spirituality this week. Fresh crop of seniors, some of who I taught during the junior year in Moral Issues. This conclusion from the former football player, now professor of English at University of Virginia will serve as an opening discussion. 

Do sports build character? Sports are what Derrida, in an essay on Plato, associates with something called the pharmakon, a substance that is both a poison and a remedy. Sports can do great good: build the body, create a stronger, more resilient will, impart confidence, stimulate bravery, foment daring. But at the same time, sports often brutalize the player—they make him more aggressive, more violent. They make him intolerant of gentleness; they help turn him into a member of the pack, which defines itself by maltreating others—the weak, the tender, the differently made.
A sticky note lives on this page with the question: For next year? Truth be told, I still can't decide if I should follow up Edmundson's claim with Rushin's treatise. The Sports Illustrator columnist is tremendously creative and flip. Perhaps I should share him with high school students for that very reason. I can't predict how they will respond. Stay tuned.
All points are true but I will be blogging about number 10 and number 11? One of my 22 for 2022. Aspiration 2.0.

I'm beginning to think that to succeed with my aspiration of Seagrass Basket Zero, I may need to post a listing of articles from time to time. Let's see where 2022 takes us!

photo credits
Gen Z

Friday, January 7, 2022

New Year's Resolutions or Aspirations?

As a teacher, I celebrate a new year in August and in January. I welcome the opportunity to do something better, to commit to a healthy habit, to resign the bad ones and see what might change. I realize a lot of people don't necessarily feel this way.

By now, you've heard it more than once. When asked about their New Year's resolution, a friend or family member replies, "My resolution is to not make any resolutions." Insert canned laughter here. I always think of myself, "that's too bad."

Country music star, Kelsea Ballerini shared

“Y’all. I've spent the last few days writing pages and pages of things I want to do to ‘better’ myself, my body, my relationships, my career, my life this year. PAGES. And then I realized that was only going to bring more anxiety and unrealistic expectations into my world and I just don’t have the room for it this year. I ripped those pages out. Now, I'm focused on doing my damn best.”

Ok. That's a start. But how might that happen? How do we get there? Who points the way? To me, a new year's resolution provides a framework for not only achieving but committing oneself to doing their damn best. Whether it's eating one piece of fruit a day, reading for 22 minutes or walking more steps, a new year's resolution invites us to reflect upon who we are and who we would like to be.

If you're still not convinced, Dynamic Catholic offered what I found to be an invitational distinction to the January game. They wrote: 

Don't Make a List of Resolutions. Make a list of Aspirations.

It’s hard to change old habits. It’s even harder to create new ones. We tell ourselves we’ll wake up earlier in the morning, but the alarm goes off and all we can think about is the cold air and the warm bed. And if we’re not careful, making the wrong choice is easy. 

But when you make a list of aspirations, you open your eyes to new possibilities. You awaken your deepest yearnings, and inspire yourself to make small, powerful changes. Instead of thinking about the difficulties, you focus on the dreams you have for your life.

Is it helpful to your to make this distinction? Is a list of aspirations less intimidating? It's a thought.

Since I am such a both/and person, I decided that my 22 for 2022 list would include both aspirations and resolutions. Yes, I have resolved to play 22 new golf courses and go to Mass at 22 new churches. And, thanks to this template created by Gretchen Rubin, I know how 20 aspirations. She describes it this way

Tired of making New Year’s resolutions? Looking for a new, creative way to identify your aims for 2022? Try making a “22 for 2022” list. List twenty-two things you'd like to do by the end of the year. These items can be easy or ambitious, one-time undertakings or habits that stretch for years. There’s no one right way to make your list—just think about what you want the new year to hold. Onward!
On her podcast Happier Episode 359, Rubin and her sister Elizabeth Kraft discuss each item on their list for 2022. As a loyal listener, I know that come August, they will share their progress. And before the year comes to a close, Gretch and Elizabeth reveal if they have successfully checked the box or not. Call it a day of reckoning, but I know the visual tool and their testimonies breed success. Furthermore, an accountability partner is important. Finding my own, might be worth listing as an aspiration for the year.

I write about aspirations and resolutions because yes, a good number will involve sports and spirituality. In fact, I have not yet concluded my own list and am still considering if it is public domain. But one important item on that list is prompting my next blog post. Stay tuned and in the mean time aspire away!

Photo Credits
My 22 for 2022