Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Derek Jeter Examen

Hard to believe that three years ago today, Derek Jeter played his final game at Yankee Stadium. I love what Jeter's former teammate Antoan Richardson wrote in The Players' Tribune: "My Journey Home" about that fateful evening.
At the time, I couldn’t believe what had just happened. But I suppose that’s what the great ones do, right? They leave the party in style. Sampras beat Agassi in a nail-biter in the U.S. Open final, Kobe messed around and dropped 60 in his last game, and now The Captain had delivered a walk-off single to say goodnight to Yankee Stadium! 
However, harder to believe is that my students know little to nothing about him. I suppose you could say San Francisco isn't exactly a stone's throw from the Big Apple or that our local team, the Giants have preoccupied their imaginations. I get that. Still, I was genuinely shocked that my question "What do you know about the Hall of Fame Yankee shortstop?" was met with silence. They needed to know who he was for the purpose of class material, but I wanted them to know about this legend for much more than the women he dated (someone did know that). I think we can all learn from his work ethic, his presence, how he was raised and what was expected of him. This is why I teach.

The Captain is a significant figure in Nine Innings from Ground Zero, a video we watch in Sports and Spirituality. In the wake of  9/11, New Yorkers turned to baseball—the American pasttime—for spontaneous rituals of grief and showcases for resilience and the restoration of normalcy. Jeter is at the heart of it all. Without "#2 there is "no catch"—the defensive play that saved the Yankees in ALDS against the Mariners. In the Yankees' post-season run for the World Series title, Jeter becomes Mr. November, he advises President George W. Bush to throw from the mound (they'll boo ya) and we learn of how he personally reached out to Brielle, the young daughter of one of the pilots killed by hijackers. What he did both on and off the field in 2001, merit discussion and appreciation. His retirement just three years ago highlighted these heroic acts as but one chapter in the treasury of his career.
Though I have written and taught about Jeter several times in the past, I have never included him in prayer. A course like Sports and Spirituality naturally.... inherently... and organically invites creative and new ways to interact faith and love of sport. I looked at a former blog posting "Jeter's Way: Life Lesson's from #2, Derek Jeter" and create it into an Examen. In Ignatian Spirituality 
The Daily Examen is a technique of prayerful reflection on the events of the day in order to detect God’s presence and discern his direction for us.  The Examen is an ancient practice in the Church that can help us see God’s hand at work in our whole experience.
This Examen would be a little different. I wanted my students to prayerfully reflect on what Jeter's fans and teammates value in him and how that might relate to his life. What you will see below is that method for prayer. I begin with factual, biographical information about DJ.  These insights, quotes, and stories spawn a question to reflect upon. Students are invited to pray with the response from both their heart and mind.
"FORTUNE ranked him the 
11th greatest leader in the world, 
22 sports ahead of Apple CEO 
Tim Cook."

Jeter said "One of the biggest things about is you have to get to know your teammates. You have to get to know who you're leading because there's different buttons you push with different people. Some guys you can yell and scream at, and some guys you have to put your arm around. You can do that only if you get to know them as people."

In light of Jeter's philosophy on leadership, how do you get to know those you are trying to lead? "Asking questions" and "spending time with someone" are obvious answers. But what are some practical things a good leader adds to the mix?

Optimism vs. Negativity 
"I always hear people say I give the same answers or I don't give you much. No, I just don't give you much negativity. When people are negative a lot, it starts to creep into your mind, and then you start having doubts, and I don't like that. If there's another way, show me. My job is to stay positive. My job is to limit distractions. And if you get annoyed by that, I don't expect you to understand because you're not in my shoes."

How much negativity is in your life? 

Do you make an effort to stay positive? 
How do you limit distractions?
Mentoring/Having Fun
Tim Raines, the one Yankee who could laugh off a slump or needle Paul O'Neill about being up a water cooler, became another influence,” writes Verducci.

"I learned from him to have fun," Jeter says. "He had fun every day. That's a big part of being able to play all those years: to enjoy yourself?

How or when do you enjoy yourself at work or school?

Can be intentional about finding time to enjoy yourself every day?
Is there someone or something that makes your work/school fun every day?How do you seek them out?

A former teammate, Matt Ruoff, this month told The Press Democrat of Santa Rosa, CA 'You always wanted to sit by him. I know that sounds weird, But Derek gave off a presence."

Have you ever sought out the company of another because they give off a presence? Describe it. What type of presence might you give off?  What type of presence do you hope you give?
Can-Do Attitude
Jeter's parents, Dot and Charles, "never permitted Derek to use the word can't around the house. Anything was possible with hard work. There is no doubting whence come his distaste for negativity." 

How often do I say "I can't?" 

How can I change my point of view?
How can we help my friends and teammates work hard and appreciate its value?

The Dream
"I always dreamed of playing in the major leagues. But everything that comes along with it couldn't have possibly been part of the dream. Because it's been much better."
Concluding Prayer
Lord, thank you for the people in our lives who lead us to be our best selves.
We are grateful for their ability to keep us focused and to see the good.
Help us to appreciate our time with these leaders and the way their presence makes a difference.
Strengthen our own will to preserve, to do our best, to remove the words “I can’t” from our mindset. And assist us as we pursue our dream and your dream for our world.

Photo Credits
Mr. President

Monday, September 25, 2017

What I've Learned from Pro-Athletes and My Pastor....

Although you can place a bet on who will win the tourney, most patrons—including yours truly—anticipate the American Century Golf Classic for the remarkable setting, the 17th hole antics, the list of celebrities and the chance to interact with them. Indeed, the four-day event is a sports fan's paradise. One can get up close and personal with former MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA and tennis greats. We fans don our team colors, jeer at the enemy—no matter how long ago the rivalry took place—and marvel at the height, fitness, athleticism of the players...or what's left of it. But, what keeps me talking about this mid-summer classic, weeks, months and years later, isn't who won and by how many strokes (ok some women in my group do...Mark Mulder is now a three-time champion). Nor is it the planned and unplanned shenanigans, although I have to admit a few are highly entertaining. No, it's the human touch. It's what happens when the people we admire and appreciate connect with one another and with us. And, I've noticed, once you have you make a point to find "a little of that human touch," you'll see it everywhere.
How's that? It shouldn't be a surprise that sports fans arrive at this tourney with memorabilia, hungry to get it signed by some high-profile athletes (in recent years, that includes Steph Curry, Andre Igoudala, Aaron Rodgers, etc). However, fans are prohibited from bringing in
  • Sports Memorabilia or Collectibles (jerseys must be worn or they will be confiscated)
  • Baseballs, Basketballs, Footballs or Hockey Pucks
Consequently, most fans seek out an opportunity to take a photo or selfie, an autograph on what they are wearing and/or shake their hand. Typically, the fan initiates the encounter; I am impressed by how gracious and engaging the celebrities are with the men, women, teens, and kids who come their way. This outreach, however, is not always a one-way street. My crew has a few stories but Hall of Fame quarterback Steve Young comes to mind.
So I'm just a little big of a fan of this group...Tim Brown ND '87 and 49er legends Steve Young and Jerry Rice
When I see the lefty, my mind feasts on memories of Young to Rice for a touchdown...for a win...for the Super Bowl championship. Young loves playing in the tourney with Jerry Rice and another NFL friend or former foe. This is an easy group for fans to follow, especially Bay Area brethren, as they are spirited and enjoy one another's company.

It's not an understatement to say that being a great QB requires astute vision. I saw that in action beyond the football field at the tourney when Steve Young caught sight of a 10-year old boy on crutches among the throng of fans. He looked at this young man with this gaze that indicated he had been there before...he understood what it meant to break a bone...to be injured...to be less mobile and in pain. Young initiated the contact and extended that human touch. He put his arm on the boy's shoulder. I don't know what they talked about...I don't need to. The heart understands. And as Steve Young walked away, this boy's smile said even more. I think some internal healing took place.

I was reminded of this small act of kindness just Sunday at mass when I sat behind a man whose foot is in a sophisticated cast and boot. He too walked into Church on crutches and sought out a pew that allowed for easy access and space for his leg. I realized taking communion might be difficult for him. It wasn't. When the time came for the congregation to line up. the pastor left the front of the line to bring the Eucharist to an elderly couple sitting toward the back. They are rather immobile—no matter. Father Ken brought Christ to them....and then he offered Jesus' body to the man sitting in front of me...and to another elderly person. In fact, he does this at every Mass, I just needed to connect the dots. This simple act isn't difficult to do. It requires vision and perhaps some empathy, but what happens in the process of extending a little of that human touch is some sort of healing.

What that each of us were to go out of our way for the elderly or injured? What if we were to reach out to those who are broken and in need of healing first? What if we made time for the immobile and those in pain by simply extending a little human touch. And it's not the sole responsibility of the pastor of a parish or a pro-athlete (although it is—as we look to their example). No, this is a call for all Christians. Such actions are what the Gospel proclaims and reveals: it is in the giving that we receive....in serving we are served. Let us all in these divisive times, make some gesture of outreach to one another. 

Photo Credits
Great 3 man group

Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Power of Ritual: A Case for the Prayer Circle

I displayed this photo in Sports and Spirituality, an elective course I teach to seniors, several of whom are in the photo. The prayer circle was taken after the second football game of the season between two non-league rivals: Marin Catholic and St. Ignatius College Prep. I already knew:
  1. who won the game. 
  2. the athletes in my classroom were not unfamiliar with this ritual; they had joined in a prayer circle after a league game the season prior.
  3. in both instances, the opposing team initiated the invitation to pray together following the contest.
What I knew and what I wanted to know however prompted me to ask them about their experience of this postgame ritual. I was aware that when the football team prayed with their opponent after the game last year, SI won. This year was different. I was sensitive to the fact that seeing this photo would remind the players in my class of a game they believe should have gone the other way. I was curious to hear what it was like to pray after a defeat...besides the victor....or to some, the enemy. Was that tough to do? Was it strange? Was it meaningful? Is there power in this ritual?

These questions, this experience reminded me of the weekly column I read in Catholic San Francisco but the Canadian Oblate, Father Ron Rolheiser. In "The Power of Ritual" he writes,
I don’t always find it easy to pray. Often I’m over-tired, distracted, caught-up in tasks, pressured by work, short on time, lacking the appetite for prayer, or more strongly drawn to do something else. But I do pray daily; despite the fact that I often don’t want to and despite the fact that many times prayer can be boring and uninteresting. I pray daily because I’m committed to a number of rituals for prayer, the office of the Church, lauds and vespers, the Eucharist, and daily meditation.
Perhaps he could have added after a loss or in times of disappointment as examples of when it's not easy to pray. So why partake in this ritual? Could a prayer circle really make a difference? He writes
And these rituals serve me well. They hold me, keep me steady, and keep me praying regularly even when, many times, I don’t feel like praying. That’s the power of ritual. If I only prayed when I felt like it, I wouldn’t pray very regularly. 
Ritual practice keeps us doing what we should be doing (praying, working, being at table with our families, being polite) even when our feelings aren’t always onside. We need to do certain things not because we always feel like doing them, but because it’s right to do them. 
And this is true for many areas of our lives, not just for prayer. Take, for example, the social rituals of propriety and good manners that we lean on each day. Our heart isn’t always in the greetings or the expressions of love, appreciation, and gratitude that we give to each other each day. We greet each other, we say goodbye to each other, we express love for each other, and we express gratitude to each other through a number of social formulae, ritual words: Good morning! Good to see you! Have a great day! Have a great evening! Sleep well! Nice meeting you! Nice to work with you! I love you! Thank you! 
We say these things to each other daily, even though we have to admit that there are times, many times, when these expressions appear to be purely formal and seem not at all honest to how we are feeling at that time. Yet we say them and they are true in that they express what lies in our hearts at a deeper level than our more momentary and ephemeral feelings of distraction, irritation, disappointment, or anger. Moreover these words hold us in civility, in good manners, in graciousness, in neighborliness, in respect, and in love despite the fluctuations in our energy, mood, and feelings. Our energy, mood, and feelings, at any given moment, are not a true indication of what’s in our hearts, as all of us know and frequently need to apologize for. Who of us has not at some time been upset and bitter towards someone who we love deeply? The deep truth is that we love that person, but that’s not what we’re feeling at the moment. 
If we only expressed affection, love, and gratitude at those times when our feelings were completely onside, we wouldn’t express these very often. Thank God for the ordinary, social rituals which hold us in love, affection, graciousness, civility, and good manners at those times when our feelings are out of sorts with our truer selves. These rituals, like a sturdy container, hold us safe until the good feelings return. 
Today, in too many areas of life, we no longer understand ritual. That leaves us trying to live our lives by our feelings; not that feelings are bad, but rather that they come upon us as wild, unbidden guests.  Iris Murdoch asserts that our world can change in fifteen seconds because we can fall in love in fifteen seconds. But we can also fall out of love in fifteen seconds! Feelings work that way! And so we cannot sustain love, marriage, family, friendship, collegial relationships, and neighborliness by feelings. We need help. Rituals can help sustain our relationships beyond feelings. 
Dietrich Bonhoeffer used to give this instruction to a couple when he was officiating at their wedding. He would tell them: Today you are in love and you believe that your love can sustain your marriage. But it can’t. However& your marriage can sustain your love. Marriage is a not just a sacrament, it’s also a ritual container. 
Ritual not only can help sustain a marriage, it can also help sustain our prayer lives, our civility, our manners, our graciousness, our humor, our gratitude, and our balance in life. Be wary of anyone who in the name of psychology, love, or spirituality tells you that ritual is empty and you must rely on your energy, mood, and feelings as your guiding compass. They won’t carry you far. 
Daniel Berrigan once wrote: Don’t travel with anyone who expects you to be interesting all the time. On a long journey there are bound to be some boring stretches. John of the Cross echoes this when talking about prayer. He tells us that, during our generative years, one of the biggest problems we will face daily in our prayer is simple boredom. 
And so we can be sure our feelings won’t sustain us, but ritual practices can.
So what did my students say? To a large degree, they said what I thought what they would say...and what they should say. They were uncomfortable. The ritual was in thought a nice gesture, but tough to do. I asked them if they were required to participate in the prayer circle. They said no, they were invited to join the other team. So why do it? They said it helped them center themselves. They are grateful for the opportunity to play in a game knowing a lot of people give of their own time to make that possible. I asked them if they would do it again. They said "yes." Do rituals sustain them? Perhaps more than they know...
Another important ritual, ND football players run to the end zone and take a knee
before the game to offer a personal prayer—indiviually, though collectively.
Thinking about my own prayer life, I know how often I go to God with requests for help, petitioning God's intercession for healing and more. I make an effort to offer prayers of gratitude; these are easy to say. But, when I have lost and feel defeated, the last thing I want to do is pray. But as Rolheiser mentions, anyone can be polite, can do the right thing and can pray when it's easy, when we encounter a person we like, or when we win. But when we are tasked with being kind to someone we dislike, when the right thing is hard to do, and when we lose...not so much.

Defeat, disappointment, and loss are a real part of life. We will have those experiences as the person next to us is celebrating and filled with joy, which is why a ritual like this one might be important. Even the victor who is in the prayer circle is aware that not everyone feels that same way. He or she can express gratitude at that moment and yet hold humility in their heart. Why? It can and does go the other way.

God can handle it all; the question is can we? A team and a ritual, they are not to be underestimated in getting us there.

Photo Credits

Monday, September 11, 2017

The Magis: Sports Can Reveal What It Is and What it is Not

The Magis might be the most misunderstood term in all of Ignatian Spirituality. Even the video Do You Speak Ignatian: Terms in Ignatian Spirituality leaves the viewer wanting...well...more (no pun intended here).The website states: 
“Magis,” Latin for “more,” is a key concept in Ignatian spirituality. But while our competitive society often thinks in terms of doing more, magis calls us to depth and quality in what we do. Magis invites us to consider how we can serve the world better, with fire, passion, and zeal. 
A lot of people can do more, but that's not what the Magis asks of us. This term points to how we are called to live and be. To strive for the Magis is to live like Christ, a man who asked His disciples not to throw more nets into the sea, but to cast them deeper. 
Though the Magis might be misunderstood, it might also be the most important those of us in Jesuit education have. Therefore examples and experiences of what it is and what it is not are necessary. The Magis isn't something a student or athlete figures out in an instant; they come to understand, to emulate, to realize over time, with guidance, trial, and error, teaching, and instruction. The Magis is "Our Way of Proceeding" and every pilgrim needs a path and a guide. I hope these examples help.
What it is not
In what was an unusually warm and muggy day for the Bay Area, I asked my returning golfers to play a set number of holes. I would not be with them on the course as I was still working toward finalizing a roster and setting a lineup; I needed to be with the other girls. After repeating how many holes I wanted them to play through, I said, "try to make your way to the van between 5:00 and 5:15, no sooner." 

I could see this group of girls in front of me *potentially* finishing a long hole, a Par-5 (I'm not they completed their putts). Instead of walking up hill, hustling and getting one final hole in (a Par-3) they turned around to bring it in. I looked at my watch, the time was 4:50. Their decision prompted the group in the back of them to walk back too...which they did...down the middle of the fairway...taking no notice of the final group who was teeing off. Not only was their decision an errant one, it was rude and potentially dangerous.

My blood was boiling. The word "underachievement" was on repeat in my mind. I asked the first group if they got through the holes number of holes I had suggested. To their credit, they admitted they had not and I calmly asked them to head back and finish the Par-3 hole. I instructed the other group to head to a different Par-3 hole and I would meet everyone back at the van when we were done.

By the time we huddled together, I had calmed down. I told my team, "One of the many things I love about St. Ignatius, our school, is the language we have. I love the notion of the Magis. The Magis is to strive for the more...to go deeper....and this is something we have to help one another to achieve. Today is one such day that we did not work toward that. I asked you to play a number of holes within a given amount of time. At one point in this practice, you had a decision to make. You could have hustled and worked to get to that goal, or you could pack it up and bring it in. I'm not looking for a team that is seeking to do the bare minimum. I don't want a group of underachievers. I'm looking for golfers who are athletes...for girls who know it will be ok to be tired at the end of practice (I then added you should be tired at the end)." They understood.

We can always learn what something is by what it is not. Their actions worked against what the Magis seeks. As their coach, it is my responsibility to point out how things could have been different...where we want to go and who we want to be. 

I have goals for my athletes. They have goals as teammates and as competitors. Though golf is an individual sport, we can only achieve our best together. To me, this means encouraging one another...sharing our own gifts and talents, intelligence and abilities to help one another be our best. Jesus' nets were filled by going deep....but rowing into the deep and casting that net into those waters takes insight, patience, encouragement, and faith. Those nets yielded more. I hope and pray we get there.

What it is.
I'll let the story of Christ the King's football team speak for itself, excuse me, for the Magis. Seven students, one dream. Limited facilities, but one year to play tackle football. In a community rife with violence, several young men demonstrate how that energy can be channeled differently. Their teacher and the administrators are rowing with them in deep waters. Together, they dropped their nets...these students were patient, intelligent and worked hard. Look at their yield. Simply said, it's the Magis. 

Our head football coach, who I consider a good friend said without hesitation, I would love to coach those kids. Leading kids to the Magis is a gift. Coaching them....wow. 

Photo Credits
CTK Football

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Back to School Made Easier: Thank God for the US Open

Thank God for the US Open. The final and my favorite of the four majors in professional tennis takes place in Queens, NY at the United States Tennis Center im late August, early September. I come home from work so tired that the only thing I can do is lie on my couch, ice my back and not move. I could easily complain but instead, I get to watch live tennis. And what a treat that is: the matches go so late in New York, that even after Back to School Night, an exhilarating match awaits. 
I once thought part of what I loved about watching the Open is seeing someone else work really hard and battle it out, especially because I can't. But, that's not even a half truth. Several times this year, as in years past, matches have gotten hot—really hot...and intense...and suddenly the game demands things of me I have too little energy to give, but I always do. I yell. I hit the table. I whistle and cat call. I text anyone who can and will listen and respond. I clap and tonight when Juan del Potro was invited to address the crowd in Spanish, his native tongue, I even teared up.  That's the Open (and Tom Rinaldi. So good).

I have likened the beginning of the school year to getting a plane off the ground. A considerable amount of preparation is necessary to leave the gate on time. All precautionary safety measures must be taken so that the crew can close the doors as we are ready for departure. Once the wheels have been lifted, the plane must climb rapidly and the goal is to reach cruising altitude within a set amount of time. From there, the crew can settle in,. Those in charge are on auto-pilot and know what to overlook and control until it's time to descend the plane for landing.
Honestly, teaching is no different. My classes require similar preparation.Every day I feel as though I am reviewing some form of a plan to get the class up and running: syllabus, ground rules, homework policy, participation guide and more. With each passing day, my students grow more comfortable and familiar with the cabin pressure. This plane will begin its descent for landing in May. Layover in December!

When I learned how much energy it takes to get a plane off the ground, I almost felt relieved. I say this because it used to bother me how tired I was in late August, early September. Sure, my plane is a 747; I also coach a fall sport. I haven't had to make cuts in a few years and that task is always challenging. I only finalized my roster today. But I figured after these many years in teaching, the plane had to be lighter and the burden lessened. The flight path ought to be much more clear. Why the need for the same amount of fuel? Wrong question. Errant approach.  
My love for the US Open has helped me to realize how much I value the physical demands of teaching and coaching. I am heartened by the fact that standing, instructing, leading and guiding wears me out. No, I don't use a towel to dry off the sweat but I do have time to sit during a changeover. Yes, I marvel at the players who take the match into the fifth set or win the tie breaker. I look at them and hope I dig as deep and remain calm. I want to give my best when challenges arise and figure a way to excel.   

In sports we see what is required of the body; in education, we know what is expected of the mind. Neither is complete without the integration of it all. Thanks to organizers of the US Open, the USTA, for hosting a Rock n Roll Tourney. And all the gratitude in the world to the athletes themselves who make me love, not dread, Back to School. I can't wait to talk to kids tomorrow about the four US women in the final and the del Potro vs. Federer match. You are great teachers!

Photo Credits
Fed US Open 2017
Four US Women

del Potro

Monday, September 4, 2017

Personal Top Five Sports and Spirituality Moments of the Summer

Labor Day weekend marks the official close of summer. Many rituals and traditions help us wrap up the best season of the year. Your community pool will close its doors while every school across the country officially opens their own. Weekends down the Shore don't have the same (local) star power. There was a time when it was taboo to wear white outside of the Memorial to Labor Day confines. So, why not wrap up June, July, and August and honor summer with an official list: top five memories?! Or, for the purpose of this blog, top five Sports and Spirituality moments of the summer. Done and done. Here goes.

#5: Speaking to the 2017-2018 coaching staff at Carondelet High School, Concord, CA
For the past five years, I have been speaking to the coaching staffs at a number of Catholic secondary schools throughout the country. To be invited to address a school community is an honor and a privilege; it might be what I love most in the discipline of teaching, reading and writing about Sports and Spirituality. 

On Sunday, August 6 I returned to my alma mater where I was able to share ideas, ways and means that any coach of every sport can spiritually form their athletes...and why. To draw from my own experiences as a student athlete and share that among the people who know those that did, in the same places and spaces, with the same traditions was super special. I felt as though I were able to go deeper and challenge these coaches more because we had a shared understanding of what Carondelet is and aims to be.

I always look at athletes from Carondelet with a discerning eye...and a warm smile. I guess I am looking to see part of myself, my teammates and close friends reflected in the young women who represent CHS. Being with their coaches, I feel confident I can.

4. Co-hosting a crew of 12 for a round of Golf at the Olympic Club, San Francisco
Lou Holtz, ever the wonderful and popular speaker as said the following on happiness.
If you want to be happy for a day, go out and play golf. If you want to be happy for a week, go on a cruise. If you want to be happy for a month, get a new car. If you want to be happy for a year, win the lottery. But if you want to be happy for a lifetime, make sure you add value to everyone you come in contact with.  NB: I have also seen a version of this talk that includes the advice to follow Jesus Christ.
With all due respect to Coach Holtz, I politely disagree. A round of golf has kept me happy for a full week, plus. Case in point: this day; it could not have been scripted better. My friend Chris and I were able to host a great crew affiliated with our respective alma mater, the University of Notre Dame for 18 holes on the Ocean Course. 

One never knows how thick the marine layer will be out at the O Club. It may sound almost shallow, but when it's in the mid-50s, foggy and cold in the summer, I'm not the happiest camper, er golfer. But on this day, my foursome included three friends—who are great athletes and worthy golfers. On the back nine, one of them was cheering for me as though we were in the final four of Bookstore Basketball. C'mon Anne....you got this.....
We started the day by eating one of the best sandwiches in all of golf. The leader of this 12-pack took my advice and went back to make sure they red relish completed the famous Bill's Burger Dog and he made quite the impression on the staff. They wanted to know where he was from. I wish I could tell you it was somewhere exotic or far, far away. Try Holmdel, NJ. That's John. He told me "we always make an impression." I believe it. We concluded the day with a group dinner, which was awesome, but even better was the group dynamic, the stories, shenanigans, personalities, and people. I hope we can do it again next year. 

3. Bank of the West Tennis Classic, Stanford University. Palo Alto, CA
I went to Stanford to watch Maria Sharpova play for the first time in person. I arrived at the ticket booth only to see she had withdrawn from the tourney, due to an injury (forearm). What was initially a bummer, turned out to be a great opportunity to see a fun doubles' match featuring Coco Vandeweghe and even more importantly spend the afternoon with a tennis fan to rival all others.

John McEnroe who played a great deal of Doubles' tennis in his historic career has said that "Doubles' is on life support." For example, the Bryan Brothers are the most successful men's doubles' duo in the history of the game and they get little to no sports coverage. I have always thought this to be an unfortunate reality as I enjoy watching Doubles' tennis in person—immensely. For whatever reason, the luster of the sport does get lost of television, but in person, the viewer follows not only the tennis but the team dynamics. 

I loved the day because this tourney has a great history. I couldn't ask for a better location or weather. My former student truly was my teacher. I always enjoy watching athletic contests with someone who knows a lot about a sport; I have a feeling I could have watched the entire tourney with him and still there would be more to learn. Impressive, inspiring and fun.

One of the reasons I wanted to see Coco play is because her coach happens to be one of my favorite players from when I started playing tennis. As we exited the Taube Family Pavilion I saw him. No checkered headband, no Prince tennis wear, sans mullet and earring...but Pat Cash still looks great. 

2. Baseball Greatest Hits Exhibit at the Library of Congress, Washington DC
My brother lives in Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. I love this historic, charming neighborhood for many reasons. Chief among them is the access to the Capitol, the National Mall, and Library of Congress free of charge. Thanks, America. 

As someone who loves music, baseball, American Studies and time with my nieces, how could attending the exhibit "Baseball's Greatest Hits: The Music of Our National Game" not rank #2?! 
I learned that "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" is the third most popular song in the US today—after "Happy Birthday" and the national anthem. I discovered that Jackie Robinson's achievement of breaking the color barrier and his remarkable rookie season (1947) inspired numerous singers and songwriters to compose in his honor. Who knew that in 1920 Babe Ruth and the Yankees were accompanied by a 50-piece band; one that played both before and after each home game? 

I was out of the country (see #1) for this 4th of July but spending time in our nation's capital and learning about the music of America's pastime made it one of the most memorable yet.

1. Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Center, Jerusalem, Israel
This is my favorite photo from the summer for it captures the spirit and the faces of the 30 educators I was lucky enough to spend three weeks with in Israel—a place, an opportunity and an experience of a lifetime. 
A day didn't go by that I wasn't given the chance to talk Sports and Spirituality with someone in this talented, intelligent, dynamic and warm group of teachers from Canada, Serbia, Italy, Isreal and the US. They love much more than the Blue Jays, hockey, the Raptors and Novak Djokovic. I befriended Giants and Warrior fans, golf enthusiasts and people who wanted to know what was happening at Wimbledon as much as I did. One of my only regrets is that I didn't attend any of the events of the Maccabiah Games 2017 (think Jewish Olympics) together. We have already discussed the idea of a reunion. I'm pulling for Washington DC in 2018, host city of the 2018 MLB All Star Game (at Nationals Park).

There are many more than five great moments from the summer, but the wide world of sports asks fans to rank them. While the experiences have all been remarkable, it's the people who made them the memories that they all. Thanks for sharing the time, showing up, playing ball and making the summer of 2017 one to remember. Now go out and make your own list and your own memories...I'd love to see the list.

Photo Credits
Hot Dog Bill's

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Jake Olson: Way to "Fight On"

With the first week of school coming to a close before a three-day weekend amidst uncharacteristically warm temperatures, my Sophomores were characteristically restless. When this happens they are that much more likely to say...well, Sophomoric comments. I asked them how they were planning on staying cool. I said I would miss the heat wave because I was heading to Denver, CO. "Have you noticed? Seems to me that Denver is an American city everyone loves, right?" This is not a question begging for an answer. Didn't matter. One of the boys felt the need to reply. "I don't," he said. Several students laughed (par for the course). I calmly asked him "Why?" to which he said "I don't know. I just don't."
I looked at him and replied, "Ok, well, in this class I'm going to ask you to support your claims. To say you like or dislike something—just because—will not suffice. For example, I don't like USC and I can tell you precisely why." Suddenly, I regained everyone's attention. "Why!?! Why!?" I said "this is not the time or place to get into that, but I can start with an easy answer. They've cost Notre Dame a number of national championships. Good for them, I know, and that's what goes with having a rival. You're not supposed to like them. Of course, there's more...." 

The purpose of this blog posting is not to disclose why I loathe the Trojans....why I delighted in the entire episode of ESPN's "30 for 30: Trojan War." Talk about kindle for the fire. No.  I write this post because what happened during USC's first game of the season a 49-31 win over Western Michigan makes my antipathy for the red and gold, including that Trojan horse less acute. The monotony of their fight song isn't as grating. Even the words, "Fight On" which has made my skin crawl, have validity. How can this be true? And why am I admitting it? One person: Jake Olson.
I first met Jake in 2013 when a student introduced me to him through a College Game Day profile. At 10 months, Jake lost his left eye to cancer. For the next 10 years, he fought to keep his sight, but cancer kept coming back. At the age of 11, he was blind. I hope you have heard his story in one form or another. Perhaps it was through this blog. How Does One Get in the Running to be a Saint? Look to Jake Olson is one of my favorites. Or maybe you heard his name for the first time on Saturday, September 2, 2017. Why? Olson, who earned a spot on the USC football team in 2015, came on the field late in the fourth quarter and snapped for a successful extra point. Yes, this event was a dream come true for Olson and his family, but it's more than that. Please watch the video in my former posting and maybe you can put words to what this is...maybe not. 

At the conclusion of the third quarter, the University of Notre Dame runs an ad that asks the question: What would you fight for? I love that every story—every profile of a professor or student—concludes with the claim "We are the Fighting Irish." We are. And as much as I don't want to admit it, I have a feeling the words "Fight On" have a similar power to USC students, professors and alums. Jake Olson did so at a young age....and today. Nice work Trojans.

Photo Credits
Fight On
Fight On Flag