Sunday, May 13, 2012

Bubba Watson: Honoring Three Women on Mother's Day

Noticeably absent from The Players Championship, Bubba Watson is celebrating Mother’s Day in a very special way this year.  The 2012 Masters champion announced his decision not to play at TPC Sawgrass via Twitter.  He wrote
I've decided to pull out of the Players. I need to spend more time with Caleb and Angie, plan to take at least a month off."

"The Players is one of the best weeks of the year but bonding with my son and wife is what it is all about right now."

"Sorry to disappoint fans but the Players has one of the best fields all year, tourney is more than fine without me."
Instead of competing to win a tourney with the largest purse in golf, my guess is that Bubba will be honoring three very special women. 

At first it seemed strange to me to see a 6’4” 33-year old professional athlete hugging and crying with his mom upon his victory.  Read a little bit about Bubba Watson’s life however and you’ll soon come to realize he never would have gotten there without her.

Giving thanks to his mom and dad, the article Hooray for Bubba Watson, a real champ who wears pink reveals
“My parents said if you work hard at golf and practice and you keep showing us effort, we’ll make sure you have everything you need to play golf and perform. So my mom had a paper route at — probably my 10th-grade year. It’s hard to talk about. … I don’t like to talk about it," he said, choking up. “She worked hard to support me and show me the ways that I should support my family and my kids to come, as many sacrifices as her and my dad made. It was just hard.

Molly Watson’s sacrifice and humility is inspiring.  It is one of many reasons moms deserve loving recognition today.

2. His wife Angie. As many people know, the Watson’s adopted their son Caleb just two weeks before the Masters.  What they don’t know are the many challenges they faced to become parents.

Angie told Bubba from the start of their relationship that she would not be able to have children.  The illness and death of Watson's father, Gerry kept them from attempting to adopt until the winter of 2011–12. And one week prior to the adoption of their one-month old son, the adoption of an infant girl fell through in the final moment. 

I am sure many couples seeking to adopt are not surprised by the Watson’s plight.  I hope however they take comfort in the end result.  Two children were given life: that little girl and their little boy.  Bubba's choice to be with his wife and son on this day should be of no surprise.

3. His son’s birth mother. 
Unfortunately, I believe too many people in America today equate “choice” with abortion.  I wish that choice leaned toward the question of how best to raise a child. 
Should I keep the child myself?  Can I raise him or her?  Do I have the community and support to help me do this?  If I can’t raise the child, can the father?  Will another family be able to give my child what I cannot? 
It’s easy to say that Watsons are grateful that Caleb’s birth mother chose life.  The beauty is that countless others are as well—Molly Watson, Caleb’s future friends and even his daddy’s fans.

The three women in Bubba Watson’s life demonstrate that motherhood is not without tremendous sacrifice and selflessness. Christians can look to their example as well as that of Mary to contemplate the spirituality of motherhood. 

Mary raised her son knowing of the pain and suffering he would endure. She encouraged him at the wedding feast of Cana to exercise his divinity.  She stood at his cross as He gave his life for us.  She met with the apostles in their fear and conferred with the Holy Spirit.  And she was raised in glory, body and soul into heaven to forever be with God the father, creator and source of all life and love.

Today let us honor our heavenly and spiritual mother Mary, and the women who have given us life and loved us in the way that only a mother can. Their spirituality is worth contemplating.

Photo Credits

Watson Family
Bubba and Son

Molly and Bubba

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